Korg Volca Modular

Semi-modular analog synthesizer

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Semi-modular analog synthesizer

  • Semi-modular analog synthesizer
  • Vocal architecture: 2 VCOs (triangle), 2 EGs, 2 LPGs, digital effect
  • CV input and synchronization I/O for connection to modular synthesizers, Electribe, Volca and more
  • 50 patch points and 20 patch cables included for almost endless audio design possibilities
  • Advanced 16-step sequencer with multiple modes of use and randomization capabilities
  • Preset scales, keys and micro-tuning for fast and fun playability

Generating novel sounds is a constant desire that has persisted since the birth of electronic musical instruments. This desire has gradually evolved and expanded with the development of newly developed instruments for music production.

The spread of modular synthesizers has generated enthusiasm and interest in the so-called "West Coast" style of synthesis that moves away from traditional synthesis methods.

Within the small size of this Volca series synthesizer are 8 modules and 50 patch points. As you learn the basics of modular synthesis you can take advantage of the typical features of the volca series of synths to handle analog sound in a special and unique way.

An analog synth composed of modules

Eight modules

The volca modular is a semi-modular synthesizer that consists of independent analog synthesis modules, digital effects, and a sequencer. Each module has been selected to operate independently. The modules are connected internally to each other to allow the instrument to be used without the need for external connections; signal routing is indicated on the dashboard by white lines screen-printed on the panel. The connection between the modules via the supplied patch chords takes priority over the internal connections, which are bypassed.

SOURCE: consists of a carrier VCO (carrier) and a modulator. The complex hypertones generated by frequency modulation pass inside a wave folder circuit in which additional hypertones will be added in order to originate a distinctive sound. This module is of fundamental importance in determining the basic character of the sound of the volca modular.

FUNCTIONS: This section consists of 2 envelope generators. In addition to an ADH envelope with attack, hold and release we find a Rise-Fall generator, also known as a slope generator, useful not only for bringing time-varying modulations to life, but also as a VCO or LFO by connecting the trigger end output in the trigger in (loop).

WOGGLE: stochastic signal generator based on sample & hold circuit employing a pink noise source. Two outputs available, to transmit intermittent random step noise or constant noise.

SPLIT: This module allows the input source to be duplicated by making it available on two outputs. The Split module can also be used in reverse configuration to combine two audio or control signals into one.

DUAL LPG: Two gate-type low-pass circuits. Typical for the West Coast style of synthesis, this module includes a filter and an amplifier that operate jointly in order to simultaneously vary the frequency and volume of the processed signal.

UTILITY: This is a module used to combine, invert and/or attenuate two signals, audio or control, in different ways.

SPACE OUT: A stereo module for applying a reverb-style effect on the audio signal.

SEQUENCE: This module is for connecting to the built-in sequencer. You can set and select different rhythmic divisions to be played out through the gate counter.

West Coast style synthesis in the volca format

Analog synthesizers in which a simple oscillator playing waveforms-for example, sawtooth or square-is modified by a filter are called "East Coast style," because they are based on a typical structure devised by a well-known American synth manufacturer. These types of synthesizers, for example the MS-20, have evolved over time and are still used in many mainstream music genres and are often equipped with a keyboard to facilitate their live use.

In contrast, "West Coast style" synthesizers have evolved in a unique and independent direction from the evolution of commercial music genres. Pursuing the concept of freedom that distinguishes electronic musical instruments, these synths are based on multiple oscillators, e.g., in FM structure, that reproduce numerous hypertones, employ random controls and complex low-pass gate circuits to vary the character and volume of the sound. Therefore, a simple shift of a potentiometer can originate a major variation on the generated audio signal. The undoubted potential of these instruments is proportional to the difficulty of predicting the sound result that will be obtained by intervening in their parameters; this is not an obstacle, but a peculiarity for sound experimentation.

For these reasons, there are not many such hardware instruments on the market. On the other hand, in recent years the popularity of hardware modular synths in Eurorack format, as well as virtual instruments have brought back to light classic instruments of the past, giving rise to a real movement active on a worldwide scale that aims to generate new, unprecedented and interesting sounds. Starting with analog synthesis, then moving on to FM and PCM synthesis, the volca synth series has focused on this trend. And now, the distinctive "West Coast style" synthesis also enters the volca by KORG series.

Endless possibilities thanks to patchability

The modules of the volca modular can be connected to each other via the included cables, allowing you numerous synthesis combinations. The instrument's compact chassis puts as many as 50 patch points at your fingertips. Inputs and outputs are distinguishable by different colors in order to ensure immediate recognition. Signals, on the other hand, are identifiable through symbols that allow us to quickly recognize their type: audio, control, gate, or trigger. In the volca modular the level of the various signals is universally compatible between modules, to allow you continuous experimentation beyond the traditional canons that usually see modules pre-configured for certain purposes. Twenty pin cables are included in the package, inside which you will also find a guide explaining each patch point and some examples of connection diagrams.

Patch examples:

1. Western Bongo

Metallic percussion sound reproduced by FM modulation and wave folder. SOURCE module basic sound.

2. Random Release

The release time of the ADH generation module is randomly varied by the sample & hold module with the objective of applying an organic rhythm to the sequence.

3. Gate Math

Different frequencies are subtracted following a gate-type rhythmic modulation. The UTILITY potentiometer controls the amount of mix, thus varying the rhythmic changes applied on the tone of the audio signal.

4. Polyrhythmic Duo

The FM modulator acts as a triangular audio waveform; passing through the low-pass gate separated from the carrier results in two different phrases summed polyrhythmically.

5. Generative

The "Rise-Fall" slope generator is loopped to give rise to an LFO that modulates pitch and cutoff. The irregular variation of the speed of the LFO originates particular tone colorations.

6. Walking Bass

A low-frequency triangular waveform is played at low speed by the gate counter to develop a bass sound that is added to the main sequence at 4-step intervals.

7. Vibrato

The LFO is used to finely modulate the pitch of a triangular waveform with the goal of achieving a mellow lead sound reminiscent of a string.

8. Dubstep Bass

The LFO modulates the low-pass gate cutoff; the result is a modulated FM bass sound. UTILITY and SPLIT are used to lower the speed of the LFO as the pitch lowers.

Volca sequencer: from sound experimentation to music

16-Step Sequencer Supporting Parameter Automation
Although the volca modular is a semi-modular synth, the instrument is equipped with a 16-step sequencer complete with various functions that will allow you to play automated patterns without having to incorporate it into a complex setup, or link it to other instruments.

Using the 16 buttons typical of the volca series you can add and delete steps, or use it as a keyboard to record your performances in real time. The Pattern Chaining function allows you to play different patterns in succession, up to a maximum of 16 for a sequence consisting of 256 steps in total.

The motion sequence function records the movements of the potentiometers, to add changes over time to the sound parameters. You can create loops, or use this function to generate amazing performances. 16 sequences and as many sounds can be saved and recalled directly in the volca modular.

Not to be missed is the active step function, which allows you to omit selected steps during sequence playback, halve or reduce the length of the sequence, generate loop-based rhythmic effects, vary the rhythmic division, or bring evolving patterns to life in real time.

Randomize function: the incipit for your creativity

The volca modular's sequencer is capable of randomly generating notes, active steps and micro tuning. Irregular phrases, rhythmic patterns, and hard-to-imagine unprecedented scales are randomly generated to make volca a constant source of ideas for your electronic music.

Two new ways to play sequences

In the volca modular's sequencer we have two new playback modes: thebounce sequence mode that randomly loops between steps and thestochastic sequence mode that randomly moves back and forth in the pattern during playback. Playing a previously recorded sequence in these two modes can add dramatic and experimental changes to your song or performance.

Advanced musical scales, keyboard and micro tuning

Although the volca modular is a West Coast-style synthesizer, thanks to the 14 supported scales that include equable temperament and give you the ability to set the tonic to play in any key, you will be able to play musically concrete melodies. With the micro tuning function you will also have the freedom to assign the pitch frequency of each note, thus pursuing your own unique and original style, not only sonically but also musically.

Excellent playability

Connectors for synchronization and control from the outside
The sync connection allows you to easily connect to Korg synths and groove machines (minilogue, monologue, prologue, electribe, SQ-1) and other Volca series instruments to synchronize the sequences played by various instruments in no time.

The CV input for control from the outside is in stereo mini jack (TRS) format to accept two distinct signals: on the left channel a ±5V signal, on the right channel, however, a 1V/oct (0-+6V) signal that will be converted internally to CV pitch. Both of these signals can possibly be used to control a module should they be patched.

Play it Anywhere

With its compact size, battery power supply and built-in speaker, it will be convenient and easy to take the volca modular with you to use it in any situation.



  • Multi touch Keyboard / Step key


  • Type: analog synthesis
  • Maximum polyphony: 1
  • Structure: 2 VCO (Triangle), 2 EG, 2 LPG, digital effect


  • Number of Parts: 1
  • Number of Steps: 16
  • Recordable Patterns: 8


  • Audio Output: 3.5mm stereo mini jack
  • Sync In: 3.5mm monaural mini jack; Max level 20V
  • Sync Out: 3.5mm monaural mini jack; Max Level 5V
  • Control In: CV-IN (3.5mm TRS mini-jack)

Power supply

  • Battery: 10 hours of battery life (using alkaline batteries)
  • Power supply: 6 AA-type batteries; or Korg "KA-350" adapter (not included)


Includes: Sync cable, pin cable for connecting a set, card explaining the modules

Accessories ( sold separately) AC adapter (KA-350), SEQUENZ CB-4VOLCA hard case, SEQUENZ CC-VOLCA soft case, SQ-CABLE-6 sync cable

Dimensions and weight: 193×115×39mm; 377 grams (excluding batteries)

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