Verbos Electronics Sawtooh Stack

Additive, 5 triangle core swarm stereo synth voice

Verbos Electronics
SKU: 118082
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720,49 Ex VAT

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Additive, 5 triangle core swarm stereo synth voice

  • West-Coast synthesiser voice
  • 5 Discrete oscillators with common controls for coarse and fine tuning, two CV inputs with attenuators, pitch CV input (V/oct.) and autotune button (functions: Tuning and calibration of the oscillators, MIDI learn and MIDI panic)
  • Spread control with CV input and attenuator for distributing the 5 voices in the stereo panorama
  • Harmonics section with setting options for timbre (fading from sine to sawtooth) and richness (waveshaper) as well as CV inputs and attenuators for both parameters
  • Stereo VCA with amplitude and output controls and CV input with attenuator
  • 2 Envelopes, each with controls for attack and decay time, decay CV input with attenuator, gate input and button, signal and pulse output
  • All parameters controllable via MIDI CC commands

The Sawtooth Stack is a swarm of 5 triangle core discrete oscillators with the  unique waveshaping from the Foundation Oscillator. The pitch Spread of the oscillators can be voltage controlled and they are stretched from left to right through a stereo VCA. The tuning and volt/octave tracking are calibrated when the autotune button is pressed.

Notes can be played with MIDI, plus all the main panel controls can be controlled by MIDI CC’s, with their CC numbers shown on the panel below the controls. In the waveshaper section, Timbre crossfades from a sine wave to a saw wave, Richness multiplies the saw wave. The Envelopes are Rise-Fall type, with a range of 2ms-10sec per stage. End pulse outputs allow looping and chaining.

The output is stereo, but if only one jack is used, all 5 oscillators are included. The Sawtooth Stack is 42HP and 16mm deep, allowing it to be used in a Black Box as a stand alone synthesizer. 


  • 42HP
  • +12v 320mA, -12v 240mA
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