Milk Synth Lab | Discovering Synthesizers

Getting to know synths, a workshop for beginners and experts to discover Sound Synthesis

Milk Synth Lab is a monthly event, organized by Milk Audio Store, on the use of synthesizers, dedicated to beginners and experts.

The two-hour meetings will provide a unique opportunity to learn about, explore and explore synthesis and Synth types.

During these appointments, participants will be able to learn more about specific topics, see in action, try and experiment with modular and desktop Synthesizers in different configurations.

Milk Synth Lab is designed both for beginners entering the world of synthesis for the first time and for those who wish to further deepen their knowledge.

Join us for a series of engaging and educational classes perfect for growing your level and connecting with a community of enthusiasts.

Milk Synth Lab in Brief:

  • Location: Milk Audio Store

  • Freeadmission by reservation

  • Number of places: maximum of 8 participants per event

  • Day and time: Once a month, on Fridays, from 4 to 6 p.m.

  • Duration: 2 hours

How to participate in Milk Synth Lab?

Sign up for the class on synthesis and synthesizers by filling out the form and indicating the date you prefer to attend; one of our teachers will contact you to confirm your place at the lab.

Please note that admission is free and places at the meeting are limited; if for some reason you will not be able to attend the lecture, please let us know in time to give other interested parties a chance to attend.

Is Milk Synth Lab a comprehensive course on Synthesis?

Almost! Do you like this clear and comprehensive answer?

Milk Synth Lab is not meant to be a substitute for regular Synthesizer and Synthesis courses, which offer a comprehensive program for both beginners and experts, which we recommend you attend, depending on your level of preparation, if you want to become a true Synthesis professional!

Milk Synth Lab is a free gateway to the world of synthesizers for beginners and professionals alike.

If you're a beginner, or even just curious about synthesizers, you'll have the chance to see if the world of synths is exactly what you're looking for by engaging with synth professionals who will help you understand how patches, modules work, and what the most important synthesis capabilities are.

If you're already an expert, you're sure to discover new synthesis techniques, hear new modules at work, and engage with other musicians and synthesizer teachers.

What topics will be covered during the lessons on synthesis?

The world of synthesis and synthesizers is vast! Milk Synth lab is different from regular synthesizer classes. It aims to introduce you to the myriad gateways for getting started with Modular, Desktop, or Keyboard Synths, giving you an overview of topics such as hardware patching, the basics of advanced modulations, different ways to use oscillators, granular synthesis, and more.

You'll learn how to create your first patch, how to integrate modular, desktop and semi-modular systems with each other. You will discover how you can understand on the fly the features and level of the various Synths.

Due to the organization of the course, there is no defined schedule for the year...lesson topics will also be decided based on the requests of the class participants themselves.

How is the class at Milk Synth Lab structured?

Milk Synth Lab classes are divided into two parts, a more theoretical introductory section and a practical section.

This is precisely why we offer limited admission to a maximum of 5-8 people, because the class offered has a very practical basis so that everyone can understand how to make the most of each synth, how they can approach a first system or how to expand their synthesizer to create the sought-after sounds.

Sign up now for the Milk Synth Lab!

Fill out the registration form, choose your date and leave us your contact information.

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