Flame Chord Machine

chord generator

SKU: 19507
  • Out of Stock

289,24 vat included

The Flame Chord Machine module generates from an incoming CV over a range of 9 octaves a chord, represented by four separate output voltages. Besides this there is an arpeggiatior integrated that you can use as a quantizer. The module can be used for creating 2-note, 3-note or 4-note chords plus a fifth arpeggio voice. 32 chords in two memory banks are available which can be put in root, 1st inversion or 2nd inversion additionally. Beyond this the second note of the chord can be transposed one octave down. This gives you a choice of 192 chord in total. Three operation modes are available: MANUALLY: fundamental note, octave, chord and inversion are set manually. No quantization at the input. QUANT: The output voltages follow the voltage at the transpose CV input, quantized in semitones. In this mode fundamental note, octave, chord and inversion are set manually as well. In addition the parameters can be set via the CV inputs CHORD and TRANSPOSE (above 1V). DIRECTLY: the output voltages of the chords follow directly according to the voltage at the transpose CV input (not quantized). In this mode the input voltage is not being quantized but the pitch of the chord follows directly this voltage. The scale, pitch and octave are determined direclty by the input voltage. Switch between the root of the chord, the 1st inversion and the 2nd inversion by a button or a trigger. The second note of the chord can be played one octave lowed with the 2ND TONE parameter which will affect not only the chord but also the arpeggio. Switching can be done by a trigger at the according input. The arpeggiator has four play modes: UP (upwards with 4 notes), DOWN 8downwards with 4 notes), UPDOWN (alternating up and down with 6 notes) and RANDOM. You can set the mode by trigger or a manual button. The arpeggiator works in all three modes of the chord generator.


40 mm


10 hp

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