Nugen LM-Correct 2 gives you a unique, immediate and hassle-free route to loudness-compliant audio in your day-to-day loudness workflow, saving you time and preventing costly mistakes.
Either within your NLE/DAW or as a stand-alone application, LM-Correct delivers automated compliance with True-Peak correction, solving your compliance issues on the spot. Used in conjunction with a real-time meter, LM-Correct saves iterative adjustments to the mix as you approach target levels, allowing transparent in-edit 'quick-touch' finishing of your audio. It’s an essential part of your loudness toolkit.
For file based-processes (either with the standalone, Avid AudioSuite or Adobe Premiere Pro CC CEP version), LM-Correct rapidly assesses and adjusts the entire file much faster than real time. Automatically handling audio files from mono through 5.1, LM-Correct is compliant with all current loudness standards and if you need it you can specify the optional dialog-gated measure.
LM-Correct dramatically increases efficiency when delivering multiple versions and re-purposing for different regions and play-out specifications. Transform audio from one specification to the next with a single click, faster than real-time, without the need to manually re-purpose time and again in the editor.
With the introduction of optional dynamic processing extension in-LM-Correct 2, even complex recommendations like EBU R128 S1 can be met with great sounding algorithms, smooth efficiency. Uniquely, the new DynApt extension powered by technology developed for our server-side solutions also allows immediate correction for LRA and dynamics, whilst preserving dialogue intelligibility and correctly identifying and respecting intentional dramatic transitions. LM-Correct 2 delivers unparalleled power with renowned ease of use.
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