Clank Chaos

Six channel aleatoric brain

SKU: 122833
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402,27 € 327,05 + VAT

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  • An extremely wide range (10ms/10s) and stable master clock
  • 6 gate outputs with independent probability, width, swing, ratcheting and time control (synced or completely independent from the master clock)
  • 6 voltage outputs with independent quantization, slew, random voltage windows selection and ground transpose.
  • For each channel the option of using the internal random generator or sampling an external incoming voltage.
  • Individual channel looping capability.
  • Save and recall (also under CV control) 8 slots with no lag.
  • The ability to randomize all the parameters of all the selected channels with entropy control setting.
  • External CV control for looping, chaos, slot recalling and random voltage CV in.

Clank Chaos

Six channel aleatoric brain

Chaos is a six-channel aleatoric brain where a random generator helps you quickly finalize your idea.
With its function, gates, and CV outputs, Chaos can be used as a very effective time and modulation manager, but it can also be considered a complex sequencer with a very new type of workflow.

In Chaos, indeed, you have three working layers:
everything starts with a tunable random generator that can quickly create random patterns of gates and CVs.

Once the channel output reaches your need, you can lock it in a loop and globally modify it with the same parameters you’ve used to tame the random generator.

Finally, as a last layer, you can modify each step of the loop in every aspect, resulting in the perfect sequence you had in mind.

Usually, a sequencer starts with a blank page; Chaos starts from an extremely random and uncontrolled stream of events and easily shifts towards a more deterministic and manageable sequence.


Thanks to its 6 gate outputs, Chaos can be used as your system's quick and effective clock manager and gate pattern generator.
Chaos also provides a stable master clock (10mS to 10Sec) from a separate output and can be clocked from external devices.
On every channel, you can set Probability, Width, Swing, Ratcheting, and Time as a multiplier/divider of the master clock or unquantized in mS.


You can freeze the last 1 to 32 steps of randomly generated CVs and Gates in a locked loop when you hear something you like.
Loops are not static; every parameter of Chaos can be used again to change the loop behavior in a non-destructive way.(for example, speed it up or transpose it)


If you’re more into generative stuff or want to add a bit of craziness to the patch, you can use the Chaos function to randomize all the parameters on a channel. A sophisticated control named entropy is available on every parameter to set the distance of the new value from the last one.


Thanks to the external input, you can substitute the random generator with external voltages, transpose a sequence on the fly, and a lot more.


Six CV outputs can be used for a wide range of applications; everything from chaotic modulations to fine-tuned sequences can be obtained.
Thanks to its interface you can quickly adjust the voltages from where the random engine picks new values and then edit them in every aspect.
In addition, Slew amount, Quantization, and external sampling are available on every channel.


Entering sequencer mode means taking control of every aspect of the looped sequence generated by the random engine.
You can change time, width, probability, ratcheting, slew, slew amount, note, note deviation, etc., for each of the 32 steps of all six channels.


Chaos can save and recall 10 slots where you can save entire sets or preferred channel behavior. Recall can also be done with an external voltage.


Dimensions: 12hp

Power consumption:
+12 rail: 115 mA
-12 rail: 0mA
+ 5 rail: 0 mA


24 mm


12 hp

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