Five slipped/shuffled/skipped clock outputs and three steady clock outputs
Five knobs with CV jacks:
Rotate shifts multiply-by amount
Slip causes particular beats to land ahead in time
Shuffle selects which beats are affected by Slip
Skip omits certain beats in a pattern
Pulse Width controls width of output pulses
Resync trigger input resets the slip/shuffle/skip counters
4x Fast button and gate jack increase multiply-by amount by a factor of four
Mute button and gate jack stop all outputs
Save Clock feature restores last saved tempo when powering up
Clock Bus jumper allows module to receive tempo from other modules over the power bus
Free Run jumper allows unit to operate without an external clock
LED dimmer trimpot allows for custom LED brightness
4ms SCM Plus
Moltiplicatore di clock con otto uscite gate e complesse funzioni di manipolazione dei battiti
SCM Plus è un moltiplicatore di clock con otto uscite gate e complesse funzioni di manipolazione dei battiti. Combina il classico Shuffling Clock Multiplier (SCM) e SCM Breakout (SCMBO) in un singolo modulo utilizzando hardware di precisione superiore rispetto ai suoi predecessori.
Specifiche Tecniche
Electrical and Mechanical Specifications
12HP Eurorack format module
0.95” (24mm) maximum depth (includes power cable)
16-pin Eurorack power header
Power consumption
+12V: 52mA max
-12V: 15mA
Clock Input
2.5V threshold
40kHz maximum
Clock Outputs
12V gate outputs, rise/fall time approximately 1us
40kHz maximum
Jitter (x1 output): max 30µs < 120BPM, max 5µs >= 120BPM
Latency (clock in to x1 output): 8µs worst-case, 3.5µs typical
CV Inputs:
Rotate, Slip: Knob attenuates jack signal. Full range: 0V to +3.3V
Shuffle, Skip, PW: Knob offsets jack signal. Full range: -5V to +5V