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Attend the opening of the Dolby Atmos® Music Demo Room in Rome with PMC Speakers listening.

Published on 25/09/2024

Come experience the experience offered by the Dolby ATMOS Music listening system in the new PMC demo room in Rome!

The grand opening of this room, equipped with PMC Speakers, will offer producers, musicians and technicians the opportunity to experience firsthand the possibilities offered by immersive audio and Dolby ATMOS through the excellence of PMC's professional studio monitors.

Immersed in a state-of-the-art acoustic environment designed by Studio Sound Service, you will be able to immerse yourself in listening sessions or try Dolby ATMOS on your own productions.

What is Dolby Atmos® Music?

Dolby Atmos® was born in cinema with the goal of making the viewer the primary protagonist of the sound experience.

In 2017, PMC Speakers and Dolby began a journey that would bring the music industry closer to immersive audio by going on to lay the groundwork for what Dolby Atmos® Music is today, a revolutionary technology that takes the music listening experience to a whole new level. While traditional audio is based on a two-channel discrete (Stereo) system, Dolby ATMOS Music uses an object-based approach to create immersive three-dimensional sound. This means that, with Dolby Atmos®Music, artists and producers have the freedom to range throughout the sound environment, placing instruments and voices strategically to create an immersive and immersive listening experience. This technology offers unprecedented depth and clarity, bringing music to life and giving it a new dimension.

The new Dolby Atmos®Musicdemo room in Rome, a flagship for PMC Speakers

The new Dolby Atmos®Music demo room in Rome is a place dedicated to listening to and experimenting with this revolutionary technology. This room has been specially designed to offer technicians and music production professionals the chance to try out and learn about PMC speakers and experience the Dolby Atmos® Music experience before installing it in their studios.

The mix room, designed by Studio Sound Service, is perfect for testing any type of studio monitors in 7.1.4, 7.1, 5.1 or Stereo configuration.

The listening system consists of:

Attend the opening of the PMC demo room in Dolby Atmos Music with David Rideau, PMC and the Milk Audio Store team

If you are a music enthusiast, producer, musician, or sound engineer, you cannot miss the opening of the Dolby Atmos®Music demo room in Rome. This event offers a unique opportunity to experience firsthand the listening experience offered by Dolby Atmos®Music and discover the potential of PMC speakers.

During the opening, you will have the opportunity to participate in one of three listening sessions led by David Rideau (Recording and Mixing Engineer from Los Angeles | credits: Miles Davis, Sting, Earth Wind and Fire, Janet Jackson, and many others), who will provide his expertise for all event attendees to explore the artistic and technological potential of the Dolby Atmos®Music format.

The program of the opening event

The opening event of the Dolby Atmos® Music demo room in Rome will be a special occasion, full of exciting moments and high quality music.

Listening sessions with David Rideau are scheduled in the following time slots:

  • 11:00 - 13:00 - First session
  • 14:00 - 16:00 - Second session
  • 16:00 - 18:00 - Third session

During the event, you will have the opportunity to interact with industry experts and representatives from PMC Speakers to deepen your knowledge of Dolby Atmos® Music and PMC speakers. This will be a unique opportunity to discover new perspectives in the field of immersive audio and to connect with a community of enthusiasts and professionals.

Past Experiences with Dolby Atmos® Music and PMC Speakers

In recent years, Dolby Atmos® Music and PMC Speakers have taken the world of music production and high-quality listening by storm. Many artists and producers have experienced the immersive audio offered by Dolby Atmos® Music and have relied on PMC speakers to create and play their music.

Artists such as Adele, Coldplay , and Hans Zimmer have used Dolby Atmos® Music and PMC speakers to create immersive and overwhelming sound experiences for their fans. The results have been extraordinary, with albums and tracks reaching new levels of depth and realism.

Industry professionals praised the accuracy and sonic fidelity of the PMC speakers, which allowed them to hear music exactly as the artists intended. The combination of Dolby Atmos® Music and PMC speakers opened up new creative possibilities and elevated the listening experience to the next level.

The Future of Dolby Atmos® Music and PMC Speakers.

The opening of the Dolby Atmos® Music demo room in Rome marks an important step forward in the field of immersive audio and high-quality listening. Thanks to the collaboration between Dolby, PMC Speakers and Milk Audio Store, recording industry professionals will have the opportunity to experience firsthand the immersive experience offered by Dolby Atmos® Music and discover the sound quality of PMC monitors.

Immersive audio is becoming increasingly popular and the demand for immersive listening experiences is growing. Dolby Atmos®Musicand PMC speakers are at the forefront of this revolution, offering cutting-edge technologies and high-quality solutions for music enthusiasts and industry professionals.

Don't miss the opportunity to attend the opening of the Dolby Atmos® Music demo room in Rome. Register today and get ready for an extraordinary listening experience that will bring a fresh perspective to the way music is produced.

How to register for the opening on Oct. 10

To attend the opening of the Dolby Atmos® Music demo room in Rome, you must register in advance. You can do so through the form.

To ensure an optimal listening experience, we have set a maximum number of participants per listening session, so it is advisable to register as early as possible to secure a spot at the event. You will receive a registration confirmation email with full details of the event, including the date, time, and address of the demo room.

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