Tonelux Summing Rack MX2(12)+SM2+CR2 (Used)

Summing rack with 12 Input module, a discrete summing module and a control room monitor module

  • Used
SKU: 123950-U
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4.050,00 Ex VAT

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Summing rack with 12 Input module, a discrete summing module and a control room monitor module

Tonelux MX2 Module

The Tonelux MX2 Mixer is a stereo line mixer with many features of a large frame console. The MX2 has a unique MUTE circuit that when pressed, the LED turns RED, but when the module is ON, the LED serves as a level presence indicator, illuminating green to show signal presence. This is very useful in live recording when you need to know quickly if a channel has signal or which has the loudest signal on it. It is also perfect for identifying which channel has the Kick and which has the Snare. The SOLO button is both a AFL or PFL, allowing both functions to be selected globally in the Control Room Section.

The FADER knob is the channel fader, with the ability to insert an external fader from the rear panel.

The PAN control is a standard stereo pan circuit with a center detent.

The INSERT button can act as a balanced insert for outboard equipment, or it can be used as a MIC PRE/TAPE PLAY switch for live recording to check the mic pre output and then the output of the machine for confidence checks or post recording playback without repatching anything.

The ST button turns on the stereo bus, which allows the module to send to the aux sends without going to the stereo bus.

The Polarity switch is a standard phase inverter for the main signal path.

The 4 sends are internally configurable for PRE or POST fader signal. The MX2 has an optional DIRECT transformer output.

Tonelux SM2 Module

The Tonelux SM2 is a STEREO DISCRETE Summing module, with selectable inputs (on the PC board with jumpers) so you can grab any pair of bus and use the SM2 as the summing master for the Stereo bus, Surround Bus or the Solo Bus, etc.

The two 8 seg LED VU meters follows the outputs of the both final stages. The Summing inputs use the Tonelux DISCRETE op-amp for summing, then feeds the Tonelux DISCRETE output op-amp into a transformer for the summing (or ACA) outputs. The return from the ACA out comes back into a DISCRETE booster amp, the master fader and transformer for the final output stages.

This configuration allows you to insert a Stereo compressor after the summing amp and before the master fader (either the front panel pot or the external fader option), then returning it back into the fader and to the final Booster outputs. This modules works the same way any typical professional recording console would work.

The INS (insert) button allows the engineer to compare or insert the device such as a compressor for IN/OUT comparison or when required for a special CUE point. One switch controls both channels.

The rear panel connector allows the user to insert a Stereo fader, which will serve as the Master fader.

Both the ACA outputs and the BOOSTER outputs are transformer coupled.

Tonelux CR2 Module

The Tonelux CR2 is a FULL featured CONTROL ROOM MONITOR module that has Three External Stereo Inputs and the internal Stereo Mix Bus. The CR2 uses an ALL DISCRETE signal path for superb sonic quality.

The features include AFL stereo level, which is switched on when ever a channel is soloed, TWO control room speaker outputs, a MONO compatibility switch, Left and Right Speaker CUT switches and a DIM control that dims the Control room level 15dB.

The CONTROL ROOM LEVEL pot is a matched detented stereo control for perfect imaging. Of course, it uses a HUGE Tonelux knob!

There is a talkback feature that when pressed, sends an external mic signal into the send busses via the COM button. This also automatically DIMs the Control Room Level.

The two 8 seg VU meters follow the selection of the Control Room and are also accessible from the rear of the VRACK for an external set of VU meters.

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