Recording and Mix

SSL SiX Channel under test

Published on 02/11/2021

We have been talking about preamps, equalizers and compressorsin a previous post without any reference to specific models. This time we shall talk about a Solid State Logic product which, for more than a reason, summarizes the new approach that the Company is using to hit the market.

It is an API VPR 500 compatible unit which inheritates a lot from the smallest SSL console: the SiX small format mixer.

SSL SiX Channel is made by three components: a preamp, an equalizer and compressor.

The system comes directly from the first two channels of the SiX console. It uses the infamous Super Analogue technology which stands in the clean side of the SSL range. The same technology can be found, for instance, in the larges and widely used Duality and AWS units.

SuperAnalogue devices are meant to be clean with no compromises to be faithfull to the source and to allow the Sound Engineer to work on something that has all the nuances of the original sound.

SSL SiX front panel
SSL SiX front panel

SSL SiX Channel Preamp

The first processor in the chain is the Mic/Line Preamp.

The gain ranges from +6 to +72dB in Mic mode.

The limits move from -3 to +63dB while using the Line mode.

The Mic input runs through the Rack 500 unit.

The Line (TRS) is placed on the bottom front of the unit and can be switched to DI mode to host guitars, basses and other high impedence devices.

The Phantom voltage is available at the touch of a button as well as Phase inversion.

The output level can be monitored via a 5 LED strip. An HPF filter (75Hz @ 12dB/oct) is also available.

All the controls are well placed and easily accessible.

SSL SiX Channel Eq

The equalizer is simple but very effective.

Just two bands(HF e LF) with interesting options. They can be Shelving or Bell with two switches to move from one option to the other. The interesting thing is that the filters change the frequency thay are tuned in depending by the mode.

LF goes from 60Hz (Shelf) to 200Hz (Bell) while HF moves from 3,5KHz to 5KHz. This small trick makes the difference and things get interesting playing with the available options even with a simple circuit topology. Gain, for each band, goes from -15dB to +15dB.

SSL SiX Channel Comp

The compressor uses the VCA technology. Is a one knob thing with the control being used to tune the Threshold (from -20 to +10dB). Other parameters are fixed.

Attack is 5ms, release 300ms and the ratio is 2:1. The gain reduction can be monitored with a three LED strip (green, yellow, red).

The compressione function is quite smooth (over-easy mode) and gain compensation is automatic.

SSL SiX Block Scheme
Block diagram of SSL SiX CHannel

The test

As expected the sound is clean without being weak. Great quality is ensured with all the sources.

Transients are well represented and SSL SiX Channel seems not to feel any fatigue in following fast evolving signals. Overhead is quite good and no distorsion comes out even with strong inputs.

The equalizer is useful to give strength to the sound but, please, do not think to be surgical with this device.

The Shelf/Bell option is very useful to find the right setting in every situation.

The compressor, even if is an over-easy VCA, is quite evident on the envelopes.

We have found the combination Eq+Comp very effective in letting through the hidden soul of synthesizers even with weak units (the Korg Minilogue does not feel unrated anymore if compared to a Moog).

The unit is fast and all transients come out without esitation.

We liked the unit for all the situations where “cleanliness without loosing body is required”. The sound is Hi-Fi so you can add harmonic distortion of the desired amount later on if needed.

Bottom line

SSL is looking at home and project studios (finally!).

The release of the SSL SiX Channel goes in this direction and allows even small studios to enjoy a professional and useful front end.

It is always possible to fill a full rack in with eight or ten channel strips to realize an input signal device for multiple sources with all the benefir of the SuperAnalogue technology at a price tag not impossible to afford.

Look elsewere if you need colour, for all the other situations SSL SiX Channel is a real winner.

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