€ 147,17 154,92 Ex VAT
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The CalTrans solves issues encountered when playing tonal music with a modular system: tracking problems, curves unrelated to Volt per octave ratio, limited octave range, cumbersome transpose, ...
The Caltrans corrects and expands the range of troublesome VCOs and brings V/Oct tracking to anything that oscillates.
Besides calibration, the CalTrans offers live play features. Each channel can be quantized and any combination of them transposed jointly.
VCOs that don't require calibration can be used simply in "Neutral" mode to benefit from the transposition and other musical features.
A pair of rotary encoders with detent allow a precise selection of octaves and semitones.
VCOs whose tracking doesn’t go high (low) enough to follow the leader will see their pitch repositioned in their highest (lowest) possible octave so that the global harmony is unaffected.
You can add a pinch of portamento and glissando to each channel and save the whole in user presets.
The latest firmware adds user editable scaling of the inputs to match sources that do not generate perfect 1V per octave signals.
36 mm
6 hp
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