Sputnik Modular Oscillator (usato)

Analog VCO

Sputnik Modular
SKU: 45471
  • Out of Stock

203,27 vat included

Sputnik Modular Oscillator (used)

Analog VCO

Analog VCO, probably inspired by the Buchla 258. It features frequency modulation, two direct waveform outputs, sub oscillator and a voltage controlled waveshaper, both with individual outputs. Pretty classic VCO with coarse and fine frequency tune controls, a 1V/octave int and a CV input with bipolar attenuator. Then there’s a FM input and a voltage controlled waveshaper that blends from a sine wave to a square or to a sawtooth. Sine and triangle waves are available at individual outputs, the waveshaped wave is available at a separate socket. Finally the Oscillator module has a sub-oscillator which is two octave below.


14 hp

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