Mutable Instruments Rings

A digital, voltage controllable resonator very well suited for creating Physical Modeling sounds.

Mutable Instruments
SKU: 20349
  • Out of Stock

359,60 € 290,00 + VAT

A digital, voltage controllable resonator very well suited for creating Physical Modeling sounds. Three different resonator modes can be chosen from and a there’s a four-voice prseudo polyphony. Two outputs are available, each playing different harmonic structures or different notes in polyphonic mode. As expected from a resonator it is possible to process audio signals but Rings can also be played exclusively via CVs as it can excite and play sounds by itself. Soundwise there is more than just nylon string imitation but singing tones, cold strings and also very experimental and extreme sounds. audio input, strum input, 1V/octave input odd output. even output CV inputs for: Brigthness, Frequency, Damping, Structure, Position 3U Eurorack module, 14HP wide, 23mm deep power consumption: 110mA @ +12V and 5mA @ -12V


23 mm


14 hp

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