4ms Shaped Dual EnvVCA

Two-channel analog envelope generator with waveshapers and a stereo linear VCA

SKU: 107437
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  • Versatile linear, exponential, and logarithmic envelope generator/LFO
  • Low-noise, low-distortion, DC-coupled linear VCAs
  • 100% analog
  • Shape Slider, CV Jack and Attenuverters for fading between Exponential, Linear and Logarithmic envelope shapes without changing the envelope timing
  • Sliders and Range switches control Rise and Fall times from ~2ms to > 2 min.
  • Time CV jack extends time range: ~400µs (2.5kHz) to ~1 hour
  • Independent attenuverters for Rise and Fall time
  • Blue/Red LEDs indicate strength and polarity
  • Cycle buttons for looping envelopes (LFO)
  • Trigger input jack and switch for toggling between AR, ASR, and Cycle modes of triggering
  • EOR/F (End of Rise/Fall) gate outputs can be used to chain and sequence events
  • Env Level and Offset knobs scale and shift Env Out without changing VCA volume
  • Audio In and Out jacks for passing audio or CV through the VCA
  • VCA CV inputs to use VCAs independently from the envelopes
  • VCA gain internally connected to envelope output when VCA CV jack is left unpatched
  • Follow input jacks allow for slew limiting, ADSRs, and exotic filtering effects
  • Re-trig jumpers allow for re-triggering during rise phase

4ms Shaped Dual EnvVCA

Generatore di inviluppo analogico a due canali con waveshaper e un VCA stereo lineare

Shaped Dual EnvVCA è un generatore di inviluppo analogico a due canali con waveshaper e un VCA lineare stereo. A differenza dei moduli di inviluppo analogici convenzionali, la forma d'onda di ciascun inviluppo può essere controllata con uno slider o un CV senza modificare la temporizzazione dell'inviluppo. Con un'ampia gamma di tempi da un'ora a 2,5 kHz e una pletora di ingressi CV e attenuatori, può essere utilizzato come LFO, oscillatore di frequenza audio, limitatore di rotazione, wavehaper, ASR/ADSR/complesso EG, audio indipendente/CV VCA, inseguitore di busta, processore sidechain e modulo di utilità generale. Ogni canale ha uscite lineari dedicate più attenuatori e controlli offset per le uscite a forma d'onda variabile, che lo rendono una sorgente di modulazione ideale e un VCA stereo.

Specifiche Tecniche

  • 20HP Eurorack format module
    • 0.95” (24mm) maximum depth (includes power cable)
    • 10-pin Eurorack power header
  • Power consumption
    • +12V: 255mA
    • -12V: 230mA
  • Audio/VCA
    • 100k input impedance, 1k output impedance, DC-coupled
    • VCA gain range: -90dB to +2.0dB, linear response to CV from 0V to 5V
    • VCA unity gain: 4.4V CV
    • DC to 20kHz, +/-0.1dB
  • Envelope Times
    • Minimum rise or fall time: ~200us per segment (2.5kHz max frequency)
    • Maximum rise time: >20 minutes (typically > 40 minutes)
    • Maximum fall time: >12 minutes (typically > 20 minutes)
  • Jacks:
    • Env jack: Min = -10.2V, Max = +10.1V
, maximum amplitude 9.3Vpp
    • Trigger jack: rising edge threshold = 1.25V
    • Follow jack: active range = 0V to +5V
    • EO* jacks:
      • EOR (channel A): <80mV low to >4.50V high gate output
      • EOF (channel B): <80mV low to >4.95V high gate output
      • Minimum stable pulse width: 1ms. Shorter than this may produce extra 50µs pulses
    • Audio In/Out jacks: -10V to +10V maximum range without clipping


24 mm


20 hp

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