Barefoot Sound MiniMain 12 with Handles

4-way active monitor with Speaker Emulation

SKU: 19263

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Barefoot Sound MiniMain 12 with Handles

4-way active monitor with Speaker Emulation

Price for pair The Barefoot Sound MiniMain 12 with Handles is a 4-way active system with 7 drive units housed in sealed enclosures spanning 20Hz to 40kHz with vanishing low distortion, breathtakingly wide dynamic range and ultra-fast transient response. Every driver has an under-hung voice coil moving inside an advanced geometry motor that enables it make extremely long linear excursions. The ring radiator tweeter is incredibly detailed and produces very wide dispersion out to its highest frequencies. The aluminum cone subwoofers, woofers and midranges radiate as perfect pistons to at least 2.5 octaves beyond their respective bandwidths. Barefoot has teamed up with the brilliant Bruno Putzeys of Hypex to develop the powerful and completely transparent amplifier stage of the MM12. Melding the system together is a groundbreaking DSP crossover that has taken Thomas Barefoot more than 4 years to develop. With beautifully designed high end converts and cutting edge proprietary filtering techniques the MiniMain12 produces such a seamless and coherent wavefront that, if you dare, you can actually listen to this speaker from less than 3 feet away with no sonic compromise. And yes, the MM12 works perfectly out to far field distances as well, producing SPLs equivalent to big mains. If all this weren't enough, the Barefoot Sound MiniMain 12 with Handles brings yet another revolutionary feature into the mix - Speaker Emulation. While no other monitor in the world can match the MM12's linearity and transparency, the MM12 actually has the capability to emulate other speakers! Despite the advantages of high resolution monitors, Thomas Barefoot realizes that many engineers still use their NS10M's † and mix cubes as secondary references. These speakers have long traditions and people find them familiar and useful for focusing in on certain aspects of their mix. However, crowding one's console with those extra boxes degrades the sound field of the primary reference monitors. Not to mention, they are no longer manufactured, they need amplifiers, cable runs, and they consume more studio space. Also, to be honest, Thomas just doesn't want those things sitting next to his beautifully crafted monitors! So why not make the Barefoot Sound MiniMain 12 with Handles sound and translate like those speakers as well? With the turn of a knob one can switch from the Barefoot Sound MiniMain 12 with Handles's brutally revealing "Flat" response to the warmer and sweeter "Hi-Fi" setting, generically emulating the sound of some high end consumer audio gear. More specifically the "Old School" setting closely emulates sound of the NS10M nearfield, while the "Cube" setting emulates the mid-centric sound of classic mix cubes The idea is not to perfectly replicate every subtle quirk of these venerable old speakers. That would be impossible. But the MiniMain12 can capture the essence of how they behave and translate, modeling their frequency, phase and transient responses, dynamic compression and even some of their distortion components. If you know how to work on these speaker you will feel very comfortable working on the Barefoot Sound MiniMain 12 with Handles's emulation settings. And that's really all that counts.
Description: 4-way active monitor with Speaker Emulation
Controls: Analog/AES3 input select, AES3 L/R channels select, Input level stepped attenuator, Subwoofer level, Emulation voice select
Input Impedance: 50k Ohm
Frequency Response: 20Hz - 50kHz (±3dB), 28Hz - 40kHz (±1dB)
Bass Response: -3 dB @ 20Hz, Q = 0.707 Slope = 12 dB/octave
Cabinet: 90 liters total internal volume, Sealed sub enclosure, Sealed woofer enclosures, Sealed woofer enclosure, Machined aluminum baffle plate, Aluminum subwoofer frames function as lateral cabinet bracing, Long fiber wool acoustic damping throughout.
Crossover Frequencies: 80 / 800 / 4000 Hz
Tweeter: 1" ring radiator, Advanced geometry motor, Rear waveguide chamber Amplifier: 250W Hypex
Midranges: 2 x 2.5" aluminum cones, Advanced geometry motor, /- 2 mm linear excursion Amplifier: 250W Hypex
Woofers: 2 x 7" aluminum cones, Advanced geometry motor, /- 13 mm linear excursion Amplifier: 250W Hypex
Subwoofers: 2 x 12" aluminum cones, Advanced geometry motor, /- 25 mm linear excursion Amplifier: 1200W Hypex
AC Power Input: Nominal 115 VAC or 230 VAC selectable
Power Consumption: Idle: 50W, Maximum: 1500W
Weight: Speaker: 120 lbs each (54 kg) - no handles Shipping: 135 lbs each (61 kg) - no handles
Dimensions HxWxD: 26.0 x 14.4 x 21.9 inches (660 x 366 x 556 mm)

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