Intellijel uVCA II

CA for audio and CV

  • Solange Vorrat reicht
SKU: 19611
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159,73 173,62 € 134,23 + VAT

  • Clock icon Bestellen Sie vor 12:00 Uhr mittags, um dieses Produkt am selben Tag zu erhalten 31/03/2025
Intellijel uVCA II is a narrow and useful module from the cooperation of Intellijel and David G. Nixon. This module is a dual VCA suitable for controlling levels of audio signals and control voltages. The uVCA II consists of two identical VCA units. Each of them has a manual Bias control for gain offsset. The characteristic can be blended (!) between linear and exponential. A bigger potentiometer serves as CV attenuator. The level of the incoming CV on each VCA is visualized with LEDs.
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